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Open Tribe  ·  157 members


About This Tribe

We started out the same way everyone does. First few moments playing ARK and then that turns to hours, then days, months and for most of us years. Well now were not like that in those first few seconds because now we are an alpha tribe responsible for 8 server wipes and we will keep going until our name gets bigger and bigger, and then. Like every tribe we will fall. But when we do we will be remembered and we will be proud of the kingdom we once built.


Play Station
  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. Hey everyone Taka Tribe is recruiting for PSN Official. If you are looking for a tribe, active often, a mature player over 16, and are serious about making it to the top as alpha and willing to put in the work, we will be recruiting add me on PSN: atotheizzzo_
  3. I was a breeder for umbrella Corp on ps4 ages ago have only played boosted since. Looking to get back into smalls. I’ve played on xbox pc ps4 and now ps5 and I’m staying on ps5 I prefer it here😂. I’m only lvl 73 cause my player got lost in transfer a while back I just did a note run and that’s where I’m at now. Just hit me up on discord if you have an open spot and I’ll be on right away. Psn is AyyItsCB and my Discord is AyyitsCB#3683

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