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slejo last won the day on August 19 2023

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About slejo

  • Birthday 05/02/1979

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  1. Please don't forget what anniversary we are celebrating during Winter Holiday. So then.. Merry Christmas!
  2. It lowers game/server performance and makes people to overextend their bases to keep new/breeding/unnecessary dinos. And ofcourse it affects comfort of play we use to have.
  3. Im curious hows gonna hype will be when consone launch. We have a very interesting situation. The entire XBOX Series X console is cheaper than a PC GPU card to make it work. If the XBOX version is playable, then say goodbye to PC... on the other hand, they can't make a poor XBOX performance, because that would be a huge failure.
  4. I wasnt asking. That was a rhetorical question resulting from outrage.
  5. These are just words intended to explain the desire to rob people. If this company was not a monopoly, we would have the opportunity to check whether other suppliers would have a "problem with increasing load" and whether these companies would increase prices twice compared to Nitrado
  6. The first decision of the monopolist - NITRADO increasing the price for the cheapest server by more than 2 times. What's the point of having 26 slots when most of us only need them for several people?
  7. My today's Ark experience: Downloaded "Played" 30 minutes Refund sent Really disappointed.
  8. Fun one? Is that comedy show? You are making joke for us?
  9. In my opinion either Wildcards are shooting themself in the foot by posting such a nice picture of the game and therefore exaggerating expectations, or they are confident about the product and this game will actually be that nice.
  10. Can someone know what GPU cards will be good for ASA 1440p? I know, i know... most expensive ones.. But not as expensive: rtx 4060 rtx 4060 ti rtx 3060 Ti or radeon maybe?
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