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Open Tribe  ·  329 members


About This Tribe

We are the Anarchists. Join us. we are a mostly laid back tribe. We have one simple rule, don't take more then you give to the cause.


  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. Looking to join an xbox official pvp server. I have experience with pvp, raising and taming, grinding, and farming. Looking to get back into ark and looking for a tribe I can join. I can play a decent amount every week and can do whatever is needed to help out the tribe. Xbox gt is Arcteryyx. If anyone has questions or if all that sounds good feel free to hit me up on xbox.
  3. Hey everyone Taka Tribe is recruiting for PSN Official. If you are looking for a tribe, active often, a mature player over 16, and are serious about making it to the top as alpha and willing to put in the work, we will be recruiting add me on PSN: atotheizzzo_
  4. Good evening I am hoping to join a tribe soon and make new friends. I have lived on an island server before and am familiar with all the caves , boss's ect. I have a level 174 as my main and a 110 alternate character. I'm down to grind and defend. Chillexz4nder is my tag
  5. Hi All!!! Looking for 2-4 tribemates for The Island. Got a few bases that just need looking after, which if you were to join, could be your homebase as you travel the ARK. Im on about everyday before or after my work hours and can work with you to beat bosses. Got all DLC's but laking decent tribemates who are relaxed and just play the game. My gamertag: Vegeta Stigma. PLEASE: no creepy or annoying people (guy, gal, or kid)
  6. Hey y’all 23yr old, looking to join a tribe a not play solo anymore minimal pvp experience. 100+ hours easily in offline, online as well stretching from pvp to pve. Looking to learn, farm, learn better breeding. I’m on Xbox only.
  7. looking for a tribe to play with i have played since day one and im very relaxed and i can help wherever i am needed
  8. GT is Dripponaut, I am willing to be put in whatever role needed to help out the tribe, I have every dlc and years of experience. I am laid back and easy going

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