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  1. Do we have any conformations on anything else at this point? The animated show has 4 weeks to follow its 2023 release date which it still is following, and I would think by this point we'd hear about the launch of SoTF or Scorched Earth. Mostly I just want the show after 3 years of a promise that hasn't been fulfilled
  2. Ark has a lot of creatures, but how many aquatic mammals do we have? Next to none. That's why I submit the Sea Cow. While it can be found on land, it mostly resides off the coast of the Center's snowy areas. Provide it insulating blubber to make it tanky and provide insulation from the cold. While it can go on land, it becomes slow, but why take it on land you wonder? I think, since some of ark's creatures have gone for more extreme saddles and abilities, give it some sort of cannon to mount onto the saddle, capable of being used on land and in water. My first thoughts were to give it some sort of arrow gattling gun, but then I had an idea. Make it an electric cannon, powered by bio toxin, whch in my opinion needs more uses in this game, cause every time I go to tame something, I will use tranq darts because they are cheaper and don't spoil. It will most definitely be faster in the water as well, the saddle providing the rider with oxygen. With the Andrewsarchus providing ark with a land based tank, and the Rhino essentially being a fighter copter, providing the Center with a sea based tank would be an amazing idea. Common Name: Sea Cow Species: Hydrodamalis gigas Time: Pleistocene Diet: Herbivore Temperament: Defensive Domesticated While slow on land, the Sea Cow is faster in the water, letting it easily contend with some of the bigger ocean mounts, but the most unique feature is its ability to be immune from most creature inflictions. This makes it a perfect creature to harvest Bio Toxin, or at least without being shocked by the Jellyfish. To accommodate for its slowness, however, survivors have gone through advanced methods to attach an electric tesla cannon to the saddle, along with air tanks to assist with Spelunking. With the skill of harvesting bio toxin, survivors have used it as the primary source of ammunition of this cannon. This cannon can primarily be used to stun creatures for a short time, both in and out of the water. From what I’ve heard, this creature is a definite favorite for the two Ice Caves on the center Wild Native to the colder coast of the island, the Sea Cow is a territorial beast, known for lazily resting on both the beach and the shallow water. While it will defend itself from smaller threats, if it encounters something bigger than it, the Sea Cow will flee at a slow pace. Depending on where it is damaged by larger foes, it will try to escape to the opposite territory. It’s thick blubber helps with some of these situations, preventing it from bleeding or being caught on fire. Something survivors have come accustomed to is to run towards the Sea Cow, since it provides insulation, similar to a Basilosaurus. As long as they don’t attack it, it is quite a peaceful creature. Please note I intended to do a dossier, but I couldn't upload it. Do excuse this sloppyness
  3. Can we finally just abandon this creature? Its been on nearly every vote, and people obviously don't want it
  4. Surprised a creature like this isn't already in the game. I mean, the bloodstalker can drag but can't do dammage
  5. No this, this is a genius idea. Honestly, with the right designs, this could work perfectly on this map. Heck, make the tentacles look like rockwells for the fun of it.
  6. So basically a roll rat that might be able to go up walls? Even the dang armidillosuchus was better than this.
  7. To be honest we need a new scary sea threat, especially if it can go on land. For now, this has my vote
  8. You stole this Idea off of the Ark Additions mod. The rules state that this isn't allowed.
  9. I was thinking of what type of creatures you typically find in the desert, then I remembered Roadrunners. Make a giant roadrunner, between the size of a Terror Bird and a Gali, that exclusively eats Chitin. Exclusive to the Dunes surrounding the island, they build up speed as they run across the sands, similar to the Rhino. For attacks, they have a bite attack with their beaks, as well as a stomp attack, using their giant legs to their advantage. With their advanced size and evolution on the island, if they do find themselves in a pickle, they can use their wings to glide to the ground, not fly, similar to the wingsuit on Ab. To make it more useful on the map since most would be more likely using Wyverns to fly instead of running across the map, have them be the mortal enemies of deathworms, doing twice the amount of damage as any other creature. This idea is unique, and I don't believe anyone has come up with this idea. Compared to the other unique tames on Scorched Earth, this is one of the few with a hint of realism, and I love the idea of seeing a group of survivors galloping across the sands on their giant roadrunners.
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