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Scheneighnay last won the day on December 20 2023

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About Scheneighnay

  • Birthday 04/23/1996

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  1. This may be too late, but this will have a big impact on the Center coming back. The rivers so far in ASA are too shallow in most places. There are many shallow stretches where not only can rafts not pass, but neither can water dinos, and amphibious tames have to walk through the shallows. Moving forward, rivers should be made more accessible so they can be better used for transport.
  2. Female megaloceros just needs some utility in general. The iguanodon's inability to defend itself despite the dossier indicating otherwise also needs to be looked at separately. Gallimimus can outrun anything on the Island already, which isn't what I'm asking for the Equus to do.
  3. I gave up on official servers in 2016. Haven't seen a cheater because I play on a private server.
  4. Now that movement speed is locked in vanilla, please make the tamed Equus sprint slightly faster. As of right now, they aren't able to outrun wild raptors, which hampers their usefulness.
  5. I don't think so, I have yet to find a BP that can't be tiered
  6. Giant bees also weren't tameable for quite a while Or was it that they weren't even in for a while? Forgot how you used to get honey or what substituted it
  7. Official rates are ridiculous. I can't imagine trying to tame something with high torpor drain without at least a tame speed boost.
  8. I think there's a setting you can edit to already do that.
  9. My suspicion is that allowing them to be ridden would allow players to glitch through the ground mesh while they're buried, but devs should still try to improve that. I like the look of purlovias and that would be a good way to get more out of them.
  10. Yeah they need an overhaul. Their size really doesn't help because it really helps you see the lack of detail.
  11. Are you using lights? Troodons flee from any and all light sources.
  12. Rebuilding the maps takes time and at some point it just becomes asset flipping, so it's a slow tedious process independent of Ark 2 development.
  13. I patrol the whole redwoods for more gigantopithicus to bring into the gene pool, so that's a few too many. Might be worth trying just on the short path between the two bases though. I like the dimorphodon idea, last night I tamed a breeding pair of seagulls to attempt something similar and see if they grab microraptors while in hunt mode like they do dodos and lystrosaurs.
  14. Yep circle of death, what I was talking about earlier. My main base right now is in the redwoods which is full of them. My old base which I'm still using as a farm and breeding area for some tames is at the green obelisk, where if I go to the islet between it and the redwoods, they're still not uncommon. https://youtu.be/eCLQXKuFA3Y?si=Ah2RVHi_yYPc487P
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