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TheTrueSpider last won the day on January 17

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  1. If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. the server I play on is pretty unanimous in being glad the rates have gone down now. Higher rates = more lag. Also you don’t have to play like a full time job to get ahead on official (at least PvE) cuz you can trade with other people and most will help u build up if you have basic social skills. Not to mention farming and taming aren’t the only things to do. Between events my tribe usually spends the time grinding boss tributes and ele while raising stuff in the background, it’s all part of managing your time and organising yourself. Personally I feel that another permanent boost to rates would be a mistake and make official play worse, and many people agree with me. Sure, some people don’t enjoy it, that’s why those people shouldn’t be playing official, and go play singleplayer or boosted. As it stands for us who like a slower burn and grind, boosting official into the sky would just turn it into what every other server is, and would kill the game for us
  2. The dupe was active for much longer than a day, this rollback only hurt legit tribes who spent that time doing something productive, as the dupers already had vaults and dedis full of duped items which weren’t rolled back
  3. Agreed, forget about pillars, won’t be able to build for all the tracks running around the map
  4. You sound like a spoiled baby who only started playing after gen 2 released. First off, argies and pts can easily get to the drops before they despawn, if you’re struggling it’s because other people are beating you to it. Just cuz you don’t have a skiff anymore doesn’t mean there’s no other options. Second off, the drops aren’t the only way to engage in the event, go kill santas helpers in the snow, strong cave has loads of them. After that learn how the letters work and do that. Third, while I agree that 1.5x is too low for a seasonal event, and it should be 3x, this shouldn’t be the current standard rate. Official is currently at 8x it’s original rates from 2015, you want to make that 12x? Just constantly buffing official rates until a single metal rock slot caps you? If you don’t have as much time to grind as other people then that’s fine but you’re gonna have to resign yourself to making slower progress or playing boosted. Official is where the try hard no life’s go
  5. Hey wildcard or anyone who might know. Is there a reason why tickets are only allowed to be placed to report a tribe or appeal a ban? recently got arked on official PvE where we beat alpha overseer but it didnt give me the ascension implant or increase my level cap and i tried placing a ticket about it but was restricted to the two options previously mentioned. Is there a different place to submit tickets for PvE related topics or am i just to be left to fix it by myself? (Btw it happened on gamma too and both times everyone else except me got it so just beating it again isnt really an option)
  6. Is there a reason why when i go to make a ticket, the only options it lets you pick from are either ban appeals, or code of conduct violations? I got arked pretty hard today when my server on ASA fought alpha overseer. I was in that fight and everything went smoothly until the end. After killing the boss, everyone else got sent into their cutscenes while i was left in the arena. As a result i got the tek binoculars unlocked, but not the +15 levels from the ascension and the red gem in my implant. My main point here is that when i went to submit a report, there were no options for lost progress/inaccessible content, and i'd like to know if theres somewhere else i need to be looking to report for PvE issues.
  7. BRING BACK ASE CRYPODS PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SCORPION JESUS The only things this will achieve is cover pve maps in pillboxes with fridges so that people can throw them down, making it impossible to build anything anywhere on official. For those of you screaming it’s great for balancing PvP I ask you this; is it great that now to invade a server you have to stay safe behind enemy lines for a full 5 minutes (assuming you find somewhere you can even place it) before you can start getting your tames out and a fob going. It’s never been easier to lockdown a server. Not to mention caves being easier to defend now that the defenders can freely cryo while the attackers can’t even get a stego into most target caves Sure it might have attractive elements, but if you just stop and think for the five minutes it takes to activate a cryofridge, you’ll realise it’s a terrible idea with numerous issues that clearly haven’t been thought through by the dev team.
  8. Tribe ranking never works properly for me, I always liked the simplicity of admin locking
  9. Kinda simple, let us admin lock beds like we can doors and windows, so we can have spawn rooms for tribe admins that other members can’t use/get stuck in by mistake
  10. I agree with wiring, it’s a pain having to run 4-5 generators for a single base. the plumbing however, is different because you can chain water reservoirs that can extend the reach of the intake pipe, so it still works the reason these were changed was for structure lag, which makes sense but it’s ridiculous that there’s no range extender for the generators
  11. On ASE, when u pressed Lb in a structure or tame inventory, it used to take all, but now it deposits all and you have to press it again to take all. It’s cumbersome and slow, and getting drops is now a pain because you have to either put everything in your inventory into the drop, or manually select take all. Please make it how it used to be, I never need to deposit all quickly but am constantly in situations where I need to take all in a hurry.
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