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sjskdjkfa last won the day on December 25 2022

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  1. There is no one true problem, there is only the true morty. One day he shall return.
  2. Trying to prep to go out and tame something ase unofficial ... my app on my phone is listing all the egg options for oviraptor as asa only... DILO. Don't even remember updating tha app!
  3. this is one of the main things that killed og ark in my honest opinion. It's why the beginner servers were like crack to me lol, which is where i tamed my few direbears btw I had implied in my previous post I only tamed the one but thinking back I'm remembering taming one in a trap and taming one out in the open. I actually have a fonder memory of taming the one in the open cause trap taming is all the same, where as that direbear flying around the red woods like a bat outa hell was somethin else lol
  4. Well, I for one have been told on occasion they are decent mounts. And if that is their purpose then it'd be nice if they survived long enough to fulfill it, not everyone wants to put a tame in a cryopod and only pull it for a single job. Now for my anecdotal two cents. One of the few times I bothered to tame one myself, I kind of wanted to see what it could do so after leveling hp and melee with some notes, and going and getting my apprentice saddle from a box (which is what inspired the tame in the first place as I usually skip this tame)... I proceeded to take him into more and more dangerous situations culminating in him dying - if I recall correctly to a low level alpha raptor and a few other nasties in the swamp. At first I was very impressed with it, of course the death was not so impressive. It kind of left a sour taste in my mouth, and THUS to this day I've never even used one to get honey LOL.
  5. If you have a dozen ideas for how to fix ark pvp, you might want to consult a psychiatrist about your ark PVPtsd.
  6. Unfortunately not at this time. For me was more a thing of shaky personal finances, at least initially. I could have finagled something, but just sat back with my metaphorical popcorn and thought to myself, I'm glad I don't have a pony in this show. Although I was kind of hoping my tribe would help me out with both my computer situation and also just buy the game for me. They may still do so, but with the rocky road at launch -they are less inclined -- I am still out.
  7. Uhmmm... well one of you is wrong visa v the level bonus being applied to babies. I think when you find a baby and are able to claim it with out having done something to its parents, it is because something else killed it's parents. I don' think there is a distance thing. I'm not on asa to test any of this, just inferring from videos and texts i've seen.
  8. So... pve is still exactly the same. Q someone stating pvp is still pvp too? lol
  9. I'm curious, how many people purchased it? Can you also see some how, how many are refunding it? Somewhat related thing im curious about: Perhaps someone who knows a bit about the graphics cards can speculate what percentage of gamers can even run it?
  10. Hardcore erodes your soul, and exposes the core, if there is any! Jk, I might be there.
  11. And are they like hidden some how? If I try to log in and just switch the browser filter over to unofficial, btw taking official outa there... lol. We get it. But anyways fliter switched and there is not much left. Like by default I only see about like... well actually rn exactly 155 in server browser, most with no one playing, a few with a handful. But i seem to remember a discussion about this before and like, they don't necessarily show up there? Is there popular unofficials?
  12. I've been getting a lot of dinosaurs killed. They are not gonna exist in a few weeks anyways which I find liberating so I'm fighting alphas I'd normally avoid like the plague, taking on caves which i would normally never go into etc. In short, I'm gonna play play play!
  13. I would wait. I assume with sunset being in like 3 weeks, the wait wouldn't be to long... asssss uuu mmemememe
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