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Open Tribe  ·  70 members  ·  Rules


About This Tribe

We are a fresh tribe that just started a few days ago. I got 1500 hours Me and my friends are a 6 man so far. our server is NA offical pvp the island (swamp pillar). We alow any kind of members. We are allies with server alpha.


  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. I play ark on xbox, logged some decent hours and have some decent experience. I'm good at grinding, farming, raising, taming and okay at pvp. I'm looking to get back into ark after being off for over a year and hoping to join a tribe on a safe server. I can play at least 12 hrs a week and am 27. Xbox gt is Arcteryyx. I'm down to prove myself to the tribe and grind and help with raising tames or whatever is needed. I'd like to help make this a great tribe. If this sounds good or you guys have any other questions feel free to send me a message.

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