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FlorianWind9 last won the day on December 24 2023

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  1. They still haven't completely fixed A.S.E. How do you expect them to ever "fix" A.S.A. ? Anyone who followed the A.S.A. news from their announcement of it last year till its "release" knew that wc was advertising 1/10 of a completed game stuffed, basted, and cooked in a mountain of both old and new bugs because all A.S.A. is; is A.S.E. wrapped in a shiny rainbow colored foil so that anyone looking at it on the shelves won't notice that it's just the same old moldy turkey that no-one bought for Thanksgiving the previous year. wc has a long history of not acknowledging problems, and also not fixing them; while hoping that people will either forget about them or someone else will fix it for them. Anyone who has boughten A.S.A. up till this point has unfortunately gotten exactly what wc advertised. I do feel very sad for those who have boughten into this mess; especially for those new ones who didn't know wc's A.S.E. first. But, it's not like there weren't many of us sounding the alarms and giving warnings throughout this entire process all over the internet. We have not bought A.S.A. yet; and that's because we don't want the moldy turkey with rainbow colored foil that wc advertised.
  2. Not likely, but one can hope. We're talking about wc here; they do not have a good record of fixing things, and an even worse record of fixing things quickly. You know though......this glitch is, "fixed", on A.S.E. 😉 Well yeah; what you expect from wc? That's what we've been saying since nearly a year ago now. Everything wc makes is a "waste of money" unless you get it dirt cheap on sale.
  3. I understand. The other way that I told you about with those other cheats is a little more stable of a way to do it if you were forced out due to the game glitching and crashing. (At least on A.S.E.) But, there is a number of other cheats for just getting back into a tribe. You could try: cheat ForceJoinTribe; which will make your character join the tribe of any structure or dino that your cursor is targeted on. Or you can try: cheat ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe 0; where the 0 is your player character's ID and it will make your character, or any character who's ID you put into the command, to join whichever tribe your cursor is targeted to a structure of. Or you can try: cheat ForcePlayerToJoinTribe 0 Tribe Name; where the 0 is the player character's ID and the Tribe Name is the name of the tribe you want to make said player join. If you can do this, then maybe you don't even need to do the infinitestats cheat to get to your turrets. You can then also rebecome the tribe's leader by doing: cheat MakeTribeAdmin or cheat MakeTribeFounder A lot of these cheat commands though, for some reason, tend not to work if there isn't at least 1 other person still in the tribe. If they are not also forced out, then this is a possibility yes. I do understand this very much. I don't know how new you are to wildcard's Ark? They have been this way ever since a lawsuit forced them to sell themselves to their now parent company "Snail Games". I just don't have the time to deal with their nonsense anymore, which again is why I tend only to play on single player or non-dedicated with friends cause the game is literally unplayable without the option of having all those nice Admin Cheat Commands to "fix" all their broken nonsense. One very nice thing about Ark as opposed to some games I suppose, is that in single player there is a huge list of cheat commands that you can find by searching for them online which can fix pretty much anything that goes wrong. (Except for fatal errors that cause your save file to be unable to be rescued; which is why it is a very good idea to have multiple saves of your world on external drives) Further; one of the biggest reasons why I stick to A.S.E. now and have little to no intention of ever buying A.S.A. is because since there now is A.S.A. it means that wildcard will have little to nothing to do with A.S.E. anymore; which means no more new updates which may break something. Now on A.S.E., I can feel comfortable that I likely won't have to deal with figuring out how to "fix" any new breaks and can just deal with the ones I already know. Something to think about; as despite Ark's many many issues it is still currently the best immersive interactive open world sand box survival dinosaur game out there. Or at least, A.S.E. is.
  4. Well, that's exactly why I only play single player these days; on this terribly broken and unstable game. Now, I don't know if A.S.A. single player works the same as A.S.E. single player? But, fortunately, in A.S.E. single player all these glitches and bugs can be fixed with cheat commands. To fix this problem, if it is the same as A.S.E., then just create a new tribe and then do; (cheat InfiniteStats) so that your turrets won't kill you; and then do; (cheat GiveAllStructure) on as many of the structure pieces as you need until you've gotten everything back. And of course do; (cheat TakeAllDino) or some similar cheat command to get all your dinos back; I think this command requires you to do the command while looking at an enemy's structure piece, so maybe take all the turrets first and leave 1 building not taken so that you can first take all the dinos and then take that last building. I hope this can be of some help to you and others with a similar issue.
  5. Right; but when Ark was first released into early access it was described as and marketed as a primitive dinosaur lost island survival game. There was no tek tier stuff in the game at the start. When I first started playing, there wasn't even riot gear level equipment. The only thing "sci-fi" about the game was the implant in your left wrist, the supply drops, and the mysterious obelisks; all things of which could have gone a number of ways. More importantly though, is that it's a sandbox experience; meaning that you don't have to engage with every aspect of it if you don't want to. The main reason why I even still care about Ark at all these days, is because there is no other game that I know about on Steam that can give me the same kind of primitive dinosaur survival experience. (No, Athos doesn't count.) You are correct in that I've never really gravitated towards any of the tek stuff in the game, or the boss fights, or the story for that matter. (Although I do think the story is kindof cool.) What I like most about playing Ark is doing chores on my nice, peaceful, dinosaur ranch in single player Ragnarok. All that said, my earlier comment wasn't about my personal Ark playstyle; it was about the history of wc's ridiculously terrible decision making.
  6. That's what wc's done since forever. Now me personally; I don't like cryopods and don't use them, because I don't like or use anything tek tier in Ark cause I don't want a sci fi game when I'm playing dinosaurs. BUT; this terrible kinds of decision making is what wc's done since always. They disabled speed on flyers in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They disabled flyers being able to fly in caves in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They increased damage dealt to structures in caves. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They've disabled speed entirely now on A.S.A. (Cause people in pvp whined about it) They disabled the ability to force-feed knocked out players to keep them from dying and respawning. (Cause people in pvp whinned about it.) And tons of other decisions; including the Giga nerfs and now the Rhynio nerfs. For some of this from a server stability standpoint, I kinda understand. But, wc has always introduced cool new things into their Ark game, and then either taken them away or nerfed them to the point where they aren't immersive anymore or are just plain terrible; because someone in the pvp area of the game complained that it was too difficult to deal with. Well, isn't that the point of a "Survival Game"? To overcome the difficulties through determination and creative means? I mean, they introduced Alpha Creatures because people said the game wasn't challenging enough anymore; and then they nerfed Alpha Creatures to the point where they may as well not even exist anymore because people said they were too hard. Sure, no-one wants to get knocked out in pvp and caged and force-fed so that you can't escape. But, what happens in real life when you are captured by the enemy? It was immersive and entertaining and created great stories even if you were the one that someone captured. That was the point! Gigas were big scary murderous bulldozers. That was the point! But wc always waters down their game till I start to ask myself; what's the point?
  7. Now, now; let's not besmirch wc's reputation. If you'll recall; Scorched Earth released more or less randomly and was something of a surprise drop; so there wasn't really any release date to mess up. It was also released as a paid DLC when the game was still in early access; something unheard of which was met with quite the initial negative backlash. Also; Scorched Earth released incomplete without an ascension cinematic (which they didn't put into the game until years later) or the planned tek cave (which they never put in). And lets not forget about all the wyvern egg spawn glitches; and the deathworm glitches and bugs. (Which are still in the game). 😉
  8. The event happened about 6 years ago now; and beds on rafts had worked perfectly for me up until that point. Even so, I can remember it very clearly. For example: If you want to get really specific, then it happened on one of the "new" A.S.E. servers shortly after they split A.S.E. into "new" and "legacy" servers; it happened on Official Ragnarok 65, where I was living under the huge waterfall in the narrow canyon at the beginning of the canyon biome after having been given permission to do so by the river tribe which "owned" the canyon biome. I can't remember however, if I actually got a text like "Unable to respawn. Too close to enemy foundation", or if the bed icon was just greyed out on the respawn map like it would be if it was on a respawn cooldown timer. (which it wouldn't have been at the time as I hadn't used it in plenty long enough). What I do remember is that I asked Google what was going on, and it said that based upon others' experiments it appeared that you were unable to respawn from beds, and I think maybe also sleeping bags, that were too close to an unallied tribe's foundation. Or "enemy's" foundation. Something which I confirmed with my own experiments at the time as I did in-fact manage to make it all the way back to my raft; after having built a second one. Because I was all; "What?! There's no structures near where my raft was parked!" But when I got back and checked around, it turned out that the entire bottom of the river was covered in stone foundations. Not by the river tribe I don't think; by some random tribe that had abandoned them; but I wasn't going to go through the effort of demolishing them all myself, or waiting for the long decay timer, just for someone else to place more later or I die somewhere else in a river that has the bottom covered. See, I loved living on rafts in A.S.E. I did a ton with them. You can get an idea of this if you go into the creative forums here and read my Ark Journal Story from chapters 8-12. After wc killed my character on legacy by deciding to slowly wipe all those servers out, I had thought that Ragnarok (a fairly new map at the time) would be a new start on life for me cause it had lots of deep rivers where leedsichthys couldn't get into. So when I discovered this revelation, it ended up being the final straw for me on top of a very long and growing list of issues at that time; wc killing my lvl 100 original character of course being a big one of those issues. So you're telling me that rafts on official are even worse and more glitchy now than they were back when I gave up? Well, then that's just even more reason for me to not bother with any of wc's nonsense.
  9. Are you actually being serious right now? You've got many official mods from A.S.E. to choose from if you want to showcase examples for mods; admitably all are maps except for Primitive + but still. Or, for this particular event, since the event is geared towards A.S.A., you've got tons of new official mods to showcase as examples from A.S.A. And yet you choose to highlight Primitive + in your announcement to build excitement? The official mod mode that you abandoned to the point where it barely works anymore on A.S.E.? When I read that part of the post I literally burst out laughing. I mean; seriously? Now I love Primitive +; It's a great mode for Ark; that's not the issue here. The issue, is that I can't and haven't been able to use Primitive + on A.S.E. for years now. The mode that I instantly loved, but almost right away was unable to use and haven't been able to use since. Just; guys; why would you use Primitive + as an example of praise for your game? 🤣
  10. To quote Mike585x who responded to another earlier on this CC; "Were you actually expecting something different?" Of course this is the case, because this is still wildcard and this is still Ark. These are among the reasons why I have not yet bothered to waste my money on A.S.A. Because why should I pay again for the same bugs, glitches, and problems; only with a prettier gloss of paint that requires I pour even more money in to upgrade my machine to play it? I began playing A.S.E. shortly after it was launched in early access, and I finally gave up on official servers in November of 2017 when during an Extra Life Event I found the server I was on to be completely unplayable; thus wasting the boosted rates for me. Now, I'm a survivor; and not one that easily gives up or whines; so that in itself is not why I finally gave up. Why I finally gave up is because on this particular server I'd decided to live a solitary life hidden under a waterfall in a small and easily defendable raft-house on a pvp server. During the Extra Life Event, the server glitched and crashed and kicked me out; and I relogged to find that my character had glitched through the raft's bottom and drowned. Okay, no problem, happens all the time, I'll just respawn on the bed that's on the raft right? Hmm.....Nope! Because you want to know something interesting which I learned that day? Apparently you can't respawn in beds that are placed next to an "enemy's" foundation or pillar. Not even if your bed is on a raft and floating well above said foundation/pillar. And guess what the bottom of the river I lived on was covered in? Foundations and pillars placed by a larger tribe to claim territory. So; apparently; since Leedsichthys smash rafts out in the open sea, and since I'd be incapable of respawning on my own rafts when sailing in the shallower waters of rivers where Leeds don't spawn, then that meant that living on hidden and defendable single player mobile raft-homes wouldn't even be a possibility for me. To make matters worse, the closest random respawn point to my now unprotected raft was so far away through dangerous territory that I'd have to build another raft just to hope to reclaim my original that had all my valuable stuff on it. So; I just decided at that point that I was done with wc and their official servers. I simply no longer had the time to deal with their nonsense.
  11. Okay, so here's my thoughts about the new merch shop; and these thoughts are directed towards wc/sg so I do hope they take an introspective look at it because if they do then it will be helpful constructive criticism. My point is this: wc/sg, you did indeed have an online merchandise storefront up and running at one point in time (I think it was about 5 or 6 years ago now) and I have the proof of this by the 2 (3D Printed) dinosaur figures that I bought from it. One a T-Rex, and the other a Fire Wyvern; both of which are very cool although printed with very early 3D printing technology so they of course would look cooler now if reprinted with updated tech. But I'm very happy to have them as they are unique statues due to when they were printed(Printed with SandStone instead of Resin). You had other merch for sale at that time to, but instead of expanding the online merchandise store like everyone in your community enthusiastically suggested you do, you just closed it up randomly one day without a further word on the matter. So, fast-forward 6 years later and now you're trying to make it sound cool that you're finally opening up an official Ark merchandise shop. (One that supposedly won't randomly close in the near future). I will be fair and admit that some of the stuff I see in your new shop is nice. However, will I buy any of it? ......The answer is no. The reason why? Because you had your chance to make money with Ark merch 6 years ago like we all suggested you do. Other video games have merch, tons of other various businesses have merch, the thought that Ark with its amazing merch potential did not have official merch confused and astounded your fans; which is why we suggested you make money with merch to help fund you; a suggestion to which you silently said, "No". So then, why exactly should I buy any of your new "Official Merch" when I've been going to other businesses online for the last 6 years to get my Ark Merch. Other merchandise businesses that capitalized on the success and popularity of your game when you refused to do so. Other businesses that not only have a vastly wider array of merchandise for sale, but that are better quality. I, like many of your original fans, want you to succeed and want to help make you better. So take the five minutes it takes to read my constructive impression of your online shop and think about it for a second. Because ever since your announcement of ASA I've been waiting for you to give me a reason for why I should care about any part of the future of your company. Why I should keep caring about one of my most favorite games. The 2nd game ever that I bought for my Steam Account. And you have yet to give me a reason. Give me a reason; why should I buy merch from your shop instead of my usual sources that I've been going to for the last 6 years? Edit: Okay, I will say this also though that I truly expected the poop plushie to sell out first but wow did the Dodo plushie sell out fast. How many of them did you guys make in preparation for opening day? I know it's Christmas season to but still the online shop open for just approximately 2ish days and the Dodo is already sold out?
  12. You do know that you are dealing with wc/sg right? That's kind of their brand. It's not very profitable for them so wc/sg doesn't really have any reason to keep up official servers. They've made it very apparently clear that they would much rather the majority of players go to Unofficial servers; thus funneling money towards their partner Nitrado as part of their contract. wc/sg has not changed a thing about how they handle official servers from the start of server transfers in A.S.E. and I don't see any chance that they will change ever if at all. Best to either accept official servers as they are or go to unofficial like they want you to do.
  13. According to the "Video Game Insights" website they have even sold a total of about 973K copies of the game now through Steam. Giving them a 32.3M in Gross-Revenue. Which gives them 22.61M in profits (before figuring out the yearly taxes so it'll probably be a little less). https://vginsights.com/game/2399830 Still a bit of a distance from the A.S.E. total of about 16.4M units sold with 408.7M in Gross-Revenue, but that was over 8 years. I don't know where to go to find figures on Xbox or PS sales or to find out about the amount refunded. Does anyone know? Cause I'd be interested in seeing those statistics to. Especially the amount refunded. It makes me very disappointed and saddened to see as like you said this gives them no incentive to actually make a good game. They know that they can just put out any janky garbage that they've put the minimal amount of effort and heart into and it'll sell just fine because it has the Ark logo on it. What's even more dishearteningly telling, I think, is the average active player count. Since A.S.A. was released the average daily players for it was about 4 times that of A.S.E. during its initial launch around the hype of something "new". However, since then the average player count for A.S.E. has actually increased by about twice as much while the average player count for A.S.A. has decreased to become about equal with that of A.S.E. What this tells me is that a large number of people who bought A.S.A. has since discovered that it isn't worth their time while at the same time it has reminded them about A.S.E. and they've actually decided that A.S.E. is better. (Something that they could have known without actually buying the game.) So now people have given them millions of dollars and boughten thousands of copies of the game for nothing as even many of those who've bought the game don't actually like it but are either too lazy to refund or have missed the window. This is what most video game companies are betting on these days it seems like. That thousands of people will buy their game "just to have it" but never play it so they get the money regardless of how good it is. If 900K people buy the game to have it collect dust on their digital shelves, but 1K buy it to actually play, then why should they care about the outcry from the 1K? Also I don't mean to be nit-picky or put anyone down because this CC was actually fairly decent when compared to the usual, but I just found this little detail to be too humorous not to share.
  14. Nah man; the joke happened back on April 1st 2023 when wc put out a CC which said, "Hey guys, are you as excited as we are that we've decided to shut down official A.S.E. servers later this year as we prepare to force you to pay us upwards of $90 for a copy/paste of A.S.E. into UE5 so that you can enjoy the graphical update and minor mechanics fixes/additions that we earlier promised were going to be free for A.S.E.? Oh, and we're only going to release the first 2 story maps, scratch that we meant just the first story map, on launch so you'll have to wait like 1, 2, maybe 3 years to experience your favorite maps which you already own in A.S.E.? Also, to make sure that there's no confusion that this is indeed a full copy/paste remake, we're going to call it A.S.A. now and all future Ark content additions will be made on this game instead as we've decided to give up on the original version you already own so that we can resell you the game again because we're tired of you not giving us any more money for the game you already own." It was a pretty good April Fools prank I gotta say. Making us believe they were going to do all that and make us pay $90 for it. In truth, they were only going to make us pay $44.99 for it. 🙃
  15. Events for Ark SE you mean? I'm pretty sure you can activate events on single player or on unofficial servers that you own whenever you want. Might be able to for Ark SA to; considering that its code is just a copy/paste of Ark SE.
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