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About This Tribe

Big Advanced Tribe | Chill Members | Very dedicated | Supportive | Looking for experienced members. (Crossark)


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  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. Psn Dukes1727 discord dukes#8969
  3. Wanna play with a powerful tribe for pvp fun, 23 very experienced pvp and grinding active most days on ark
  4. Hey everyone Taka Tribe is recruiting for PSN Official. If you are looking for a tribe, active often, a mature player over 16, and are serious about making it to the top as alpha and willing to put in the work, we will be recruiting add me on PSN: atotheizzzo_
  5. Hey all we currently have 2 tribes running together on Val smalltribes PvP. Looking for so active mature players rdy to grind and out In work to control our server! We have a top notch group of tribe members willing to help and achieve the tribe goals. Hit us up on PSN: GKoski22 All time zones welcome!
  6. I’m ps5 im 15 abt to be 16 I have 2.5k hours and had the game over 3 years I like to breed grind and pvp I have all dlcs my character is level 115 with most tekgrams My psn is FuTuRe_FlAnKsS My discord is Flankss#4231
  7. 1. MEN_LORDofGENDER (a joke from over 10 years ago) 2. I'm 31 3.I've logged over 2k hours on official and wanted to try to get back into it 4.105 I think 5. I love all the grinding building and taming but I'm much more for defending and building defenses than raiding. 6. Please consider me as I've missed the ark grind and can get alot done for anytime that accepts me.

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