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About This Tribe

(PS4)Tell us about yourself: PSN, age, timezone, past tribes and servers you been. We openly recruit loyal, active ppl. Dont be insider and you will find home here. TO reach out leave apply here or reach out on discord to WildGigaOp and Zikos3866!!!!!


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  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. I’m a pve player looking for pvp or pve players I have 800+ hours looking to get back into it I can raise anything fast cause I know tricks let me know if your interested
  3. Hey everyone Taka Tribe is recruiting for PSN Official. If you are looking for a tribe, active often, a mature player over 16, and are serious about making it to the top as alpha and willing to put in the work, we will be recruiting add me on PSN: atotheizzzo_
  4. I am 21 years old i have been playing ark since it came out on the PlayStation in legacy and have about 10k hours across all my psn accounts. as I have been playing I’ve been in many tribes but ones of note have been Abbadon Superiority Bob Parade Blacklisted. min terms of skills in the game I’m an efficient farmer I’m a good breeder I can lead raids I can tame I’m good with setting up discord servers and I am a good builder. I have a level 144 main character and a level 135 crafter. my psn is arkbirdman or SIR_DARK_MATTER for my main ark account. my in game names are Supremem and Bambi
  5. Im 16 years old my account lvl is 105 with the alpha broodmother engrams i have al the dlcs and im a grinder if im playing with people that arent toxic
  6. I am a good player with about 1500 hours on pvp i know just about everything about the game i grind hard and am tired of playing alone
  7. I have been playing ark on the Xbox one since before the scorched Earth DLC. I recently got a PS4 and want to get back on Official. I will spend all my free time breeding mutations. It's my favorite thing to do in ark. My name Is Zedd in game. I don't have a survivor on Ps4 yet, but I can do a note run and get around 85-90 before I join. I am 24.
  8. 18, havent been in a real tribe in 2 years currently restarted lvl 75 have genesis dlc play 3-6 hours a day can tame,craft,build,breed - Eastern time zone psn-bigdaddy8769101
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